Tuesday 12 October 2010

Literature Review

Much of the work done in industry is repetitive; this is a good reason for automation, argues Marquis, 2007. However he also argues that we, as humans, need to understand how the machines work in order for automation to be possible. This is because we can’t build something to do a job for us if we don’t know how to program it to do said job in the first place. Another downside to automation as pointed out by Goldsmith, 2010 is that the machines can cost millions of pounds which is money that could be better spent employing skilled workers. Alternately Geiger 2010 states “Human resources are pricy and, more often than not, consume a large portion of a company’s budget.” This is supported by Shunk 2010 who states that “The typical U.S. auto worker makes around $30 per hour, plus benefits. In China, a worker would be hard-pressed to earn $250 in a month.”

Geiger, MJ. (2002-2010) “Advantages of automation in a declining economy” [Internet] http://www.helium.com/items/1762309-manufacturing-automation-recession-recovery-economic-growth-jobs-cost-cutting-update-cost

Goldsmith, O. (2010) “Is Automation Of Industry Good For Us?” [Internet] http://ezinearticles.com/?Is-Automation-Of-Industry-Good-For-Us?&id=5055470 [12/10/2010]

Marquis, H. (2007) “Automating ITIL” [Internet] http://www.itsmwatch.com/itil/article.php/3708941/Automating-ITIL.htm [12/10/2010]

Shunk, S. (2010) “Increasing Chinese labor unrest to spur faster automation?” [Internet, RSS feed] http://www.autoblog.com/2010/07/07/increasing-chinese-labor-unrest-to-spur-faster-automation/ [12/10/2010]


  1. Good literature review and very good topic in these times of global economic worries and overpopulation.It will be interseting to see how you draw from this review and other research to give the reader of your paper your conclusions of the overall outcomes.
    P.S Please cite correctly within your text, said Nash(2010).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
