Tuesday 5 October 2010


VARK Results

Total number of Vs circled = 3
Total number of As circled = 0
Total number of Rs circled = 4
Total number of Ks circled = 8

The result for the K section really doesn’t come as a surprise to me. This in mainly because I have always been very ‘hands on’ with everything I do, even from an early age. Throughout my education I have always thoroughly enjoyed the practical elements of every subject I have taken and have always achieved good results from this. What really surprised me is that I am not an aural learner at all. This surprises me as I feel I have usually been able to recall things that have been said even if they seem insignificant at the time. I thought I would have scored higher on the R section as well because I spend quite a lot of time reading books and can usually remember the content of the book. Also for my revision for my A-Levels and GCSEs I did a lot of reading and writing notes from the books. The visual result does not really surprise me. I much prefer reading a text book to watching a video.

Before even taking the test I assumed I would be a kinaesthetic learner. The results from my test validate my belief and the overall outcome was as expected. After receiving the test results I have realised I have to work harder in order to become more of an aural learner as well. Ideally I would like to remain a kinaesthetic learner but also round off my skills in other types of learning. If I achieve this I will be able to make full advantage of every learning style and teaching style available.

1 comment:

  1. Yes good refletion on the audible side of your learning style.
