Thursday 11 November 2010


            Hello, I am a student at University Centre of Peterborough and am currently taking the FdSc Engineering course. Part of this course is an academic paper on a relevant controversial topic. It would be of great help to me if you will kindly fill out this questionnaire for my research. All data will be destroyed after compiling. Thank you.

1)      Do you work in industry or a factory?                       Yes      No
If no, continue to question 2. If yes, question 3.
2)      Where do you work? Shshtrhtrtrhwrthrthtrhtrhtrhhrthtrhtrrthrthrthrthrth
3)      As a worker do you use any form of automation?     Yes      No
4)      Is your job repetitive?                                                 Yes      No
If yes, continue to question 5. If no, continue to question 6
5)      Do you feel automation could be used to do your job instead? Yes  No
6)      Have you or anybody you know been replaced by automation?       Yes      No
7)      If you have any comments or suggestions about this questionnaire or automation please feel free to write them below
Hello this is where I would like you to fill in the questionnaire please. It will be very handy for me if you have comments but I realise that you may not. To john Nash, hello john, if you are reading this then you have changed the colour of the font. I find this rather amusing. Please reply with formative marks on the assessment. Unfortunately blogger isn’t working on my laptop and I will have to email the documents to you, saying that I might pop in to the library and see if they have any free computers. Then I will be able to post this online.

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire, your assistance is greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. This questionnaire, does introduce the subject to the person answering it?

    Will this questionnaire answer the debate you are trying to research? Just a thought!


